Friday, April 25, 2008

A movie i saw and really enjoyed

Charlie's Angels was my favourite movie that I have ever seen until now. It was talking about that America's greatest secret weapons are unleashed. They were working for a proper organization to antagonize another bad form. There are three girls as a team and they were the best partner to be completely fantastic weapons.

In this movie, it shows a lot of amazing action about fighting and that is why I like it, because I like to see how to fight. And it was so excited when I was watching it. Especially there were three girls, so that improved my curiosity to watch it. I've been watched it for three times but i still be addicted. They were three attractive girls and also absolutely good at fight. Actually I wanted to be like them that have completely excellent Goun Fu that i can become weird. I think after period of time I will watch it again. So I recommend Charlie's Angels to everybody.

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