Wednesday, April 2, 2008

its my new level

This is my first english blog and it sounds so cool. I've been here for six months,came to for study english. I like to meet different things so i chose to go abroad.Thit is my big event in 2007 when i was 18 and i do love it just like big prevent my parents gave me.

My grammar might be all not correct but i'm trying my best to learn better,and actully its really hard for me now.Ha!But to be a academic in a forign country its really difficult. Especially i hate to write a essay or report something like that but i have to do it in my academic time. I know i can learn a lot writing skill in this class and that is what i need. So i will try to be a good student in this five weeks.

ha ! ha !

I am not good at anything but i think, i am a kind person but with bad temper actually. I can treat everybody really nice but if someone that i dont like or something then i will ignore them.
Im easy to get on with people that is one of my advantages.Ha! I like to meet different people in my life and i can catch on many kinds of people. I dont like who likes child or be childish, that is really makes me sick.

i am glad to finish my first eng blog.

1 comment:

NullSet said...

Hey Maggie, Good Work on your first post. I will try not to be childish.

Before you post, check your punctuation, because errors will make it difficult to understand.

Cheers, Andrew.