Friday, April 25, 2008

A movie i saw and really enjoyed

Charlie's Angels was my favourite movie that I have ever seen until now. It was talking about that America's greatest secret weapons are unleashed. They were working for a proper organization to antagonize another bad form. There are three girls as a team and they were the best partner to be completely fantastic weapons.

In this movie, it shows a lot of amazing action about fighting and that is why I like it, because I like to see how to fight. And it was so excited when I was watching it. Especially there were three girls, so that improved my curiosity to watch it. I've been watched it for three times but i still be addicted. They were three attractive girls and also absolutely good at fight. Actually I wanted to be like them that have completely excellent Goun Fu that i can become weird. I think after period of time I will watch it again. So I recommend Charlie's Angels to everybody.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

fireworks shows in taipei

i have been to seen the fireworks show in taipei and that was celebrated for new year. we always celebrate our new year in the last day in a year until the first day next year, and it will have a big fireworks show.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

the public health issue

Lung Cancer

In my opinion, Lung Cancer is the biggest problem for most of people.Because of smoking, second-hand smoked or other reasons, that's why our respiratory getting worse.

Lung Cancer is made of many bad components. Such as, smokers might be have nicotine deposits of the lung, so it will beging to become the cancer cells.
But that may be is ten years later because it need to have time to accumulation. Everybody have chance to get the Lung Cancer not only the elder people, it depends on different kinds of physique.Some people are non-smoker but they still will get the Lung Cancer, that might be too much second-hand smoked or like a house wife. Because they have to cook quite often and when they are cooking, it will make some lampblack. It also can make our respiratory have some problems, but smoking is the biggest reason to get the Lung Cancer.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

you have changed nothing

I just wnat to practice my writing here but i don't know it will be correct or not.

We had nice couple of the time together four months ago, and also until now but it has a bit changed. I'm not your girl anymore i already knew it, but sometimes i still think about you and our past. It is difficult to point who is right. I just can say that i'm too stupid and too be softhearted. I'm too easy to put my love in a person. I know that is not good for me but it is me. Ha!

It is really good way to force us to write about in English. I love it.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

so tired

Last Friday to Sunday were crazy day. It was so tired and crazy because I had a birthday party at Vincent's house because we have the same group of friends so it's easy to make a party at his house.

At first, I only invited about 15 people but at the end of the party become to 25 people and it was a bit out of control. Although it seems like so happy but actually it was just really ok. In my culture we can't celebrate the 19's birthday because the number 9 is a bit not good. It means might be many things will happen this year and most of are bad thing so we have to be care of.

Last night i was really drunk and i hate that feel, it's really quite unconfertable. I've had a long time no drink like this and i am sure about that i really want to quit the drink because it is nothing help for anything. Sometimes it can make us happy or excited but after that were so regrated. Furtunally i have many friends here and if i feel bad or unhappy i can tell someone so that i won't get sick. Anyway, many things were happened in three days and it was so funny.

I have to go to bed now because i woke up at midnight. I think that is because i didn't eat anything last night so she is hungry.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

its my new level

This is my first english blog and it sounds so cool. I've been here for six months,came to for study english. I like to meet different things so i chose to go abroad.Thit is my big event in 2007 when i was 18 and i do love it just like big prevent my parents gave me.

My grammar might be all not correct but i'm trying my best to learn better,and actully its really hard for me now.Ha!But to be a academic in a forign country its really difficult. Especially i hate to write a essay or report something like that but i have to do it in my academic time. I know i can learn a lot writing skill in this class and that is what i need. So i will try to be a good student in this five weeks.

ha ! ha !

I am not good at anything but i think, i am a kind person but with bad temper actually. I can treat everybody really nice but if someone that i dont like or something then i will ignore them.
Im easy to get on with people that is one of my advantages.Ha! I like to meet different people in my life and i can catch on many kinds of people. I dont like who likes child or be childish, that is really makes me sick.

i am glad to finish my first eng blog.